My Teaching
My formula for effective teaching is:
Know your subject, let your passion for it show, and care deeply that students learn and are able to use what they learn in their personal and professional lives. In my view, a purposeful and meaningful academic life involves three interlocking components – to generate new knowledge with my research, to share knowledge through my teaching and mentorship, and to learn by reading, reviewing and reflecting on new ideas every day.
these elements characterize my teaching approach
I have used social media to share resources with my students long after they have completed my class. I moderate a Facebook group for my Paris Study abroad class and a LinkedIn group for the Women in Leadership program that has created a strong online learning community of past and current students interested in the curated material posted.
Continuous Learning Resource (via Social Media)
I end every class with key takeaways that I collect using an in-class app for my large sections (which I collate and share after the class) and a Q&A for smaller classes. I have observed that when students know that they are going to report what they found interesting/ useful/ important they absorb the material with that active participatory lens in mind
Accountability for learning
I do not believe that when students enter the classroom they check the rest of their lives at the door. I educate the whole person to succeed in both their personal and professional lives
A whole person approach
Human beings respond to and learn from stories. I have learned the art and craft of being a good storyteller. I tell stories to teach concepts, help my students develop new mental models and to understand divergent theoretical perspectives.
Regardless of the level of student I teach – Undergraduates, Master’s, Doctoral and Executives - I aim to share cutting-edge knowledge, innovative ideas, and actionable insights with vivid examples and/or empirical evidence.
actionable research-based/managerial insights
I have adopted an intentional and thoughtful approach to student learning which requires my class format/delivery to have order and extreme organization, and yet be creative to bring out the best material in the best way for the student to effectively learn.